Friday, 13 July 2007

Illustration Friday-Discovery

I did Biology at college and here's why!


Joan Y said...

Oh, that is EXACTLY the reason I love biology! Great illustration! Love the faces of the terrified bugs.

CREATIVEGoddess said...
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CREATIVEGoddess said...

I don't do biology, but I do love bugs and watching them flee when mats or rocks are turned over!! Especially, the rollypollies!!

Great illo!

Focus_ret said...

Delightful - and the most "on target" post I've seen for this topic. It truly captures the feeling of discovery. (and, from the bug's point of view, the horror of being discovered!)

Tracy said...

Adorable! I love that red bug's facial expression!

Tina Poe said...

Haha! I love the terrified expressions on your bugs! It is wonderful to have found your calling in life at such a young age!

sillyscribbler said...

Thanks for all your kind comments!!

Joan, I still love to overturn logs and rockpools are a little piece of heaven for me.

Lisa, I think loving bugs is doing biology, I think in the UK we call rollypollies, cheesybugs or chiggywigs - don't they have the best names!!

Tina- I came across your adventures of Tina and Mr Bee and loved it so thank you for your kind comments. The best thing about biology was that when I did it you were still expected to draw though I don't think I was scientifically accurate enough. the cartoonist was strong in me

david morris said...

Great idea- takes me back to my youth . Always loved exploring in the back yard collecting bugs. Nice composition.

david morris said...

Great idea- takes me back to my youth . Always loved exploring in the back yard collecting bugs. Nice composition.