I know I haven't posted in an age but I've started a full time job - teaching(?) ankle biters. I say teaching it seems mainly to be setting up opportunities to play and then playing. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right? Anyway haven't posted in ages haven't picked up a pen in ages for that matter so here's some old stuff from my sketchbook (virtual) So here's a hunchback stealing a brain! Classic!
"What can I say I get emotional!" Now we all know that Chameleon's don't change colour to fit their environment but to suit their 'emotional' state. A bipolar chameleon perhaps?
I took part in an auction of promises for my wife's school and ended up making a sock creature for a little girl called Izzy. Its' name is ZeborahDebra and was apparently well received.
Sadly Gonad the Barbarian was said to be lacking in some equipment areas. A bit saddened by the news this week. Bought many a crappy fantasy novel because it had a Frazetta cover. RIP Frank and thanks. A sort of tribute picture.
Childhood memory is a funny thing. I remember as a child watching a programme and I think it was a european fairytale show where this boy had a magic goose and everyone who touched him or someone who was touched by him became magically 'linked' (HA!HA!) and there was this long line of people trailing after the boy. I think there was a princess who had never smiled or laughed as well and the sight of the procession made her giggle. I think? As I said childhood memory is a funny thing. I mean I remembered a freaky show from Germany called the 'Singing ringing tree' and I bought it on DVD out of curiosity and I can't believe how scary I found it as a child or how incredibly strange the show was. AND IT WAS A CHILDREN"S SHOW! I'm going for a lie down.
I thought everyone would go with this but... It is of course an expired norwegian blue, it is an ex parrot - it has ceased to be. Also experimenting with a different style - a bit of collage for a change.
Ouch he's got an OWEEE!! I was thinking what was the worse job to be clumsy in. Sorry for the lack of recent posts but my wacom packed up but now I've got a shiny new one. I think I might be in love.