HMMM!!! CRUNCHY! This is one of those family stories that your parents take great delight in recounting to girlfriends. I have no recollection of this event .. but I'm not squeamish when it comes to eating more acceptable molluscs.
What the One Man Band Ninja lacked in stealth he made up for in multitasking entertainment. You don't see that many one man bands around any more. When I was growing up they were all over the telly. I suppose they died with variety!!
Don't try this at home as we all know the only way to make a tortoise faster is to paint red stripes on it! Oh and this is my 100th post - is there anybody there?
Mud mud glorious mud, there's nothing quite like it for cooling the blood, so follow me follow, down to the hollow!! Whoo who! It fits!! I do love a hippo!
The famous scottish joke - "Is anything worn under the kilt?" "No! It's all in perfect working order." That and the introduction or reintroduction of the beaver into Scotland. is there a connection between beavers and what's under a kilt ? I'll stop now...
I'm not sure if anyone reads this but I have created an Etsy store where you'll find my 3D scribbles (sculptures) for sale. An example of which you can see here.
What with flourine in the water and the increasing cost of teeth - the tooth fairy has had to adapt his tactics. He's become more proactive shall we say.
When I was young every bank holiday there would always be Disney Time, which was a clips show from disney always presented by a Blue Peter (UK Kids show) presenter. Any hoo at some point in nearly every programme a clip from fantasia would be shown and my favourite was always the ballet dancing sequence with the hippopotamus -I think that it was this that made me want to draw cartoon animals- So in my tribute to that sequence A HIPPO WITH SUCH POISE.
Two ideas so a double post this first is because I'm on a diet - God I miss cake!! The second asks the question 'Can fish subtract?' I think we should be told.
Ozzie understatement? Actually all I know about Australia is from watching Skippy as a child and Crocodile Dundee movies oh and I hear they're quite good at sport.
I'm late, I'm late - actually realized that I'm two months late - well I've not been well! The White Rabbit from one of the Alice's. Probably too obvious but like I said I've not been well! Oh and congratulations to Penelope of Illustration Friday I hope all goes well.