In commemoration of what is the most popular toy, probably in all human history, the STICK!! I remember as a child hiding the best sticks in a neighbours hedge as a sort of community resource. I know it's small boys playing war but that's what we did and I think that's what small boys want to do - despite the best efforts of educators like me -actually I turn a blind eye to the boys in my class making guns out of the construction toys. Although I do remember a teacher catching a bunch of small boys shooting each other with a set of guns and upon asking a boy what he'd made he replied as quick as anything 'A lawnmower'. I also know a teacher with two small boys who wouldn't let them have guns, gave them dolls to dress up and look after and all that. One morning she found them in the garden 'shooting' each other with triangles of toast. Of course I remember I was particularly good at 'dying' which was as much fun as the shooting!!